"Samhain, also known as All Hallows' Eve, also known as Halloween. Pre-dating Christianity, the Celtic holiday was celebrated on the one night between autumn and winter when the barrier between the living and the dead was thinnest, and often involved rituals that included human sacrifice...I like your eye patch."
Meet the original Murder Doll, my murdery little man who started it all, the one and only Sam! This dolly is inspired by Sam from the movie Trick 'r Treat. He is the protector of the sacred rules of Halloween.
1. Always wear a costume
2. Pass out Treats
3. Never blow out a Jack-O-Lantern before Midnight on Halloween
4. Always check your candy
This little guy is entirely hand crafted. He features a knitted body and a burlap mask (not removable), a small bitten lollipop (detachable with a metal snap), and a burlap bag with a treat inside. From start to finish each individual Sam doll with accessories takes me between 8-10 hours to craft. He is a unique and beautiful one-of-a-kind creation, essential for the horror collector who is looking for something more than the mass-produced-merchandise you can find in a store. Bring him home today and celebrate his favorite time of the year together!
Sam is a softie at heart, meaning this doll has no sharp edges! He is safe for people of all ages to handle and is (relatevly) sturdy and durable.
"Sam" Trick R Treat Inspired Murder Doll